1487: City of York. Supplying an army whilst keeping the peace
In early June 1487 King Henry VII and the Yorkist army made plans for supplying their army. Both sets of commanders in 1487 were eager to ensure that they had the support of the people. One area of particular concern was securing their support in the supply of victuals for their armies.
Anticipating that they may need to camp at, or near, York, both sides addressed the issue in writing to the City of York. On 5th June 1487, King Henry wrote to the City:
“and for that his highness nor his said company in no wise should be destitute of wanting of victuals for man or horse: He strictly chargeth and commandeth every victualer, and all other subjects dwelling in every town or place were his said highness and his said company shall come, to provide and make ready plenty of bread and ale, and of other victuals, as well for horse as for man, at reasonable price in ready money therefor to them: And every of hem truly to be contented and paid.”
The commanders of the Yorkist invasion force had a similar concern. On 8th June, they wrote in the same of ‘Edward VI’ to the City:
“it will like you that we may have Relief and ease of lodging and victuals within our city there and so do depart and truly pay for that We shall take”.
On their part, the City of York was also concerned. They did not want to suffer as a result of merchants profiteering. Therefore, they, expecting the arrival of the Royal army of Henry VII, issued edicts that limited food and wine prices: for example, a price limit of 10d per gallon of wine was imposed.
This shows a determination by all parties to act reasonably.
Content related to Supplying the Army whilst keeping the Peace
Henry VII issues proclamation regarding sedition.
The Invasion of 1487 landed at Piel Island.
The City of York in 1487. Supplying armies, controlling prices, keeping the peace.
Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland asks the City of York for assistance against rebels. June 1487.
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St Mary’s Abbey, York, was founded in 1155 and destroyed during the Dissolution,c. 1539.