Fleet supplied for Scottish campaign, 1463
English fleet received victuals for a campaign against Scotland, 28th August 1463
The English fleet and the army had been preparing for an invasion of Scotland for some time. 28th August 1463 is the last known record of victuals being provided for this purpose. The intention had been to crush Scottish support for the Lancastrians once and for all. It was upon Scottish and French aid that the Lancastrians in the northeast relied upon.
Large sums of money were allocated to the task of dealing with the Scots. In June 1463, King Edward IV had asked Parliament for £37000 for defence against the Scots. He had intended to lead an army against them in person. A further £4800 was requested to finance a fleet under the command of the Earl of Worcester.
The continued problem of castles in the north changing hands needed stopping: some had changed hands 3 times due to defections and sieges.
The invasion never happened, though. He travelled as far north as York, but Edward turned his attention to diplomatic affairs with Burgundy and France. This led to consternation among the taxpaying commons.
“there was ordained a great navy and a great army both by water and by land… all was lost and in vain and came to no purpose by water or by land”
Gregory’s Chronicle

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William A. Cruce’s engraving of a Kraeck (ca. 1468)