1475 Will of King Edward the Fourth
King Edward IV wrote a will prior to the departure of the English army from Sandwich for the French campaign of 1475. It was common for royals and nobles to write a will prior to going on campaigns, it had been done by King Henry V in 1415 and 1417 prior to embarkation for France, for example. Edward IV’s will of 1475 is not the last one that he made. It is, however, a very interesting document. The text, below, is taken from a transcription of the 1475 will that was published in Excerpta Historic in 1831 [pages 366-379].
What does Edward IV’s Will contain?
The will is itemised, making it reasonably easy to see what the king intended to occur in the event of his death. This covers issues such as the succession to the throne, his wishes for burial, requiem masses and prayers, and the itemisation of property that he intended to bequeath to people. The list of executors of the king’s will can be found at the foot of the document, including a variety of administrators, clerics, members of his household and trusted nobles.
Notable omissions from Edward IV’s Will
An omission is perhaps of note. There is no mention of either the dukes of Clarence or Gloucester within this will. This may be due to both of the king’s brothers having a command in the army going to France, could reflect the fact that both already had large estates which had been enabled by Edward, or could be interpreted as the brother’s being somewhat out of favour at the time.

The 1475 Will and Testament of King Edward IV
In the name of the moost holy and blessed Trinitie, the Fader, the Sonne and the holy Goost by and undre whoom alle Kings and Princes reigne. We Edward, by the grace of God, King of England and of Fraunce and Lord of Irland, remembring inwardly that we as other reatures in this world, bee transitorie and have noon abidunt therin certain, considering also that we bee nowe upon oure journey and in taking oure passage, by Godds sufferance and assistence, toward oure Reame of Fraunce, for the recouveryng of oure undoubted right and title unto the same, WilHng therfore to dispose us in alle things to the pleaser of God, for the helth and relief of oure soule, as ferforthly as we by his grace and assistance can call to oure mynde, the xx day of Juyn, the yere of oure Lord God IM.cccc.lxxv, andthe yere of oure Reigne the xv*”, beeing in helth of body and hole of mynde, thanked bee his Grace, at oure Towne of Sandwich make this oure last Wille and testament in the manere and fourme herafter enswing. Furst we bequeth [our soul] to allmighty God and to his glorious Moder oure Lady Saint Marie, Saint George, Saint Edward and all the holy Companie of heven, and oure body to bee buried in the Church of the Collage of Saint George within oure Castell of Wyndesore by us begonne of neweto beebuylded, in the place of the same Church by us hmited and appointed and declared to the Reverende Fader in God oure right trusty and welbeloved the Bisshop of Sarum, where we will oure body be buried lowe in the grownde, and upon the same a stone to bee laied and wrought with the figure of Dethe with scochyne of oure Armer and writings convenient aboute the bordures of the same remembring the day and yere of oure decease, and that in the same place or nere to it an Autre bee made metely for the rome as herafter we shall devise and declare.
Item we wol that overe the same Sepulture ther bee made a vawte of convenient height as the place wil suffre it, and that upon the said vawte ther bee a Chapell or a Closet withan Autre convenient and a Tumbe to bee made and set there, and upon the same tumbe an Image for oure figure, which figure we wil bee of silver and gilte or at the lest coopre and gilt, and aboute the same tumbe scripture made convenient reraembring the day and yere of oure deceasse.
Item we wol that nere to our said Sepulture ther bee ordeigned places for xiij personnes to sit and knele in, to say and kepe such observance divine service and praiers as we herafter shall expresse and declare.
Item we wil that all oure debtes that can bee proved due bee contented and paid afore all things excepte the costs of oure buryeing; and where as it is ordeigned by auctorite of oure Parliament last holden at oure Palois of Westminster that all debtes due by us to eny personne wherof assignation or assjgnement was made for contentation therof by letters patents tailles debentures or billes or otherwise before the furst day of Decembre in the x”‘ yere of oure Reign, that he to whoom eny such assignation or assignement was made shuld appiere before the Barons of oure Eschequier in his personne or by his attourney or servant afore certain daies liraited there to shewe and prove the sommes of money specified in such assignation to bee dvie unto him upon a trewe grownde or cause at the making or rearing therof shuld after that doon have assignement made unto him for paiement of the same dueHe to bee had unto him his executours or assignes in xx yeres, and that all assignations made by lettres patents taille or bille not soo shewed before the saide daies limited shuld bee voide and we therof acquited and dis- charged, as more at large and more clerely is expressed in the said Act: We wol and in the straitest wise charge oure son Edward the Prince or such as shall please almighty God to ordeigne to bee oure heires and to succede us in the Corone of England that he sufFre every personne that have proved his debte or dueties according to the said Acte to bee contented and paied therof according to the tenour and fourme of the same Acte without let or interruption, and that in the next Parliament to bee holden after our decease the said acte bee auctorised and confermed by auctoritie of the same Parliament for the more seurtie of paiement of the same debte.
Item wliere in the said Parliament last holden at oure said Palois by auctoritie of the same the moost Reverende Fader in God our entierly beloved cousin Thomas the Cardinall Archbisshop of Cantrebury William Bisshop of Ely, Ric’Bisshopp of Sarum Robert Bisshop of Bathe, Thomas Bisshop of Lincohi, Henry Erl of Essex, Antonie Erl Ryvers, William Lord Hastyngs, John Lord Dynham, Maister John Russell Clerk Keper of oure Prive Seall, Maister William Dudley Deane of oure Chapell, Thomas Borugh, William Parre, Thomas Mountgomery Knights, Maister John Gunthoys Clerk, Richard Fowler and William Husee have astate in fee of and in the honours Castelles Lordships and Manors of Tuttebury Kenelworth Leycestre Bolyngbroke Longebenyngton Pountfrete Tykhull Knaresburgh Pykeryng and Dunstanburgh with thair membres and appertenances .and of all other lands and tenements and other the premisses in the said Shires of Warr’ Leyc’ StafF’ Derby Not’
Lincohi’ York and Northumbr’ as wil serve and suffise to the full paiement of asmuch of oure said debte after the said rate of xx yeres as shal remaigne unpaied the tyme of such interrupcion had, and that thay in noo wise make astate unto oure said Son or unto oure said heires or eny other unto the tyme the same oure debte bee fully contented and paied and restitucions and satisfaccions made according to this oure Wille.Item we wol that all oure other debtes bee contented and paied by oure said executours with the residue of the said revenues in as hasty wise as it may bee borne, respecte had to the other charges that we have and shall by this oure Wille and testament ordeigne to bee doon with the same.
Item in cas it can bee proved before oure said executours that eny debte or dueties be owing to eny personne upon a true grownde and that he to whoom such debte is owing have not proved it for his duetie according to thacte above rehersed concernyng the paiement of oure debtes for litelnesse of the debte or for povertie or for lakke of knowlege of the same Acte or other cause reasonable and that duely proved before oure executours, that then we wil that he have paiement therof after the rate of xx yeres paiement and as it may bee borne of the said revenues appointed by this oure Wille to the paiement of oure said debte.
Item we wol that if it can bee shewed unto oure said executours that eny personne to whom eny such debte is due by us and hath made his prove therof according to the saide Acte or have not proved it for eny of the causes above shewed and may nat for povertie abide the length of paiement of xx yeres and that duely proved before oure executours, then we wil that every such personne have paiement of his debte as hastely as it may bee borne of the said revenues appointed to the paiement of oure debtes afore declared, consideracion had to the other charges to bee borne therof as afore is declared.
Item we wil that if eny personne complaigne to oure said executours of eny wronge doon unto him by us or oure commaundement or moyen, we wil that every suche complaincte bee tendrely and efFectuelly herd and the matiere complaigned duely and indifferently examined, and in cas that by such examination it can bee founden that the complaincte be made upon a grownded in conscience that then he bee recompensed by the discretion of oure said Executours of the said revenues appointed to the paiement of oure said debtes and as it may bee borne of the same, respecte had to the other charges, and in this we wil that every personne complaignyng in this partie be considered after his degree and have, and he that is moost pourest and ferrest from helpe bee furst herd and satisfied.
Item we wil that oure doughtre Elizabeth have x””‘ marc’ towards her mariage, and that oure doughtre Marie have also to her mariage x”‘ marc’, soo that they bee gouverned and rieuled in thair mariages by oure derrest wifF the Quene and by oure said son tlie Prince if God fortune him to comme to age of discrecion ; And if he deceasse afore such age, as God defende, then by such as God disposeth to bee oure heire and by such Lords and other as then shal bee of thair Counsaill; and if either of oure said doughtres doo marie thaim silf without such advys and assent soo as they bee therby disparaged, as God forbede, that then she soo marieing her silf have noo paiement of her said x”‘ marc’ but that it bee emploied by oure Executours towards the hasty paiement of oure debtes and restitucions as is expressed in this oure last Will.
Item where we trust in God oure said WiflP bee now with childe, if God fortune it to bee a doughtre then we wil that she have also x”‘ marc’ towards her mariage, Soo alwayes that she bee rieuled and guyded in her mariage as afore is declared in tharticle touching the mariages of oure said doughtres Elizabeth and Marie, and elles to bee emploied by oure said Executours to the hasty paiement of oure said debtes.
Item to the mariage of oure doughtre Cecille for whoom we have appointed and concluded with the King of Scotts to bee maried to his Son and heire, for the which mariage we have bounden us to paie unto him xviij”‘ marc’ in certain fourme expressed in writing therupon made over and above m’.m’ marc’ paied to the same King of Scotts in hande, we wol that the said xviij™’ marc’ bee paied by oure said son Edward andoure heires according to the said appointement and bonde, considering that the said mariage was by thadvis of the Lords of oure blode and other of oure Counsaill for the grete wele of all this oure Reame and of oure heires in tyme to comme concluded, and for that cause we have bounden us and oure heires to the paiement therof, and therfore eftsones we wil and straitly charge oure said Son and such as shall please God to bee oure heires in the said Corone to see that the said xviij”” marc’ bee contented and paied as afore is said, soo as the revenues of such Lordshippes and Manoirs as we shal by this oure Wille ordeigne and appointe to the paiement of the mariage of our other doughters bee in noo wise applied to the paiement of the said xviij™’ marc’ or eny part therof. Itera that if the mariage betwix the same oure doughter and the said King of Scotts Son bee not accomplisshed, then if the same oure doughtre Cecille bee maried to eny other by the counsaill and advys of oure said Wiff’ and other afore named we wol that the said xviij”‘ marc’ or asmuch therof as shal remaigne unpaied bee paied by oure said son the Prince and his heires to such an other as she shal bee maried unto.
Item if it fortune eny of oure said doughties other then oure said doughtre Cecille to deceasse, as God forbede, afore she bee maried or afore the money appointed to her mariage paied for it, then we wol that the hool somme of that appointed to her mariage soo dieing not paied bee disposed by oure Executours for the hasty contentacion and paiement of oure said debtes and restitution making if nede bee, and aftre oure debtes paied and restitution made therof the residue to bee emploied by the discretion of oure Executours for the helthe of oure sowle.
Item to thentent that the said sommes of money appointed by this oure Wille towards the mariages ofoure said Doiightres other then to the mariage of oure said doughtre Cecille bee wel and truely paied in the fourme afore declared, we wol that all the revenues issues proffits and commodities commyng and growing of oure Countie Palatine of Lancastre and of alle oure Castelles Lordshippes Manoirs lands tenements rents and services in the Countie Palatine and Shire of Lancastre parcell of oure said Duchie of Lancastre with thair membres and appertenances, and of the honours Castell Lordship Manoirs lands and tenements in Suth Wales and the Marches therof parcell of oure said Duchie with thair membres and appertenances, bee received yerely by oure said Executours, and the money commyng and growing therof over the ordinarie charges and expenses of the same bee emploied and paied by oure said Executours to the mariages of oure said doughtres by thadvis of oure said Wiff and Son or such as shal please God to ordeigne to bee oure heire in the fourme afore declared.
Item where by fyne reared afore the Justices of oure Comen Place oure said cousin the Cardinall and other have estate in certain Castell Lordships IManoirs lands and tenements which were in the possession of my Lord and Fader,in the which fyne the names of the samCastell Lordshippes Manoirs lands and tenements bee expressed at large,we wol that the same oure feofFees after the deceasse of my Lady and Moder and after that oure son Richard Duk of York come to the age of xvj. yeres thay make estate unto him of the Castell Lordshippes IManoirs lands and tenements of Fodrynghay Staunford and Grantham with thair appertenances and of all other JManoirs lands and tenements in the Shires of North’t’ Rutland and Lincoln which were in the possession of my said Lord and Fader or in the possession of eny other to his use, to bee had to the same oure son the Duk of York and to the heires masle of his body commyng and for defaulte of such heires the remaindre therof to oure right heires; and if my said Lady and Moder deceasse, as God forbede, afore the same oure son the Duk of York come to the said age of xvj. yeres and afore all oure debtes and restitutions paied and made, then we wol the revenues of all the premisses specified in this article bee applied to the paiement of oure said debts till he come to the said age.
Item we wol that after oure said son the Duk of York comme to the said age of xvj. yeres that oure said cousin the Cardinall and his CoofeofFees beeing enfeoffed amongs other of and in the above named honour Castell Lordship and Manoir of Bolyngbroke with the membres and appertenances and of and in all Manoirs lands and tenements in the shires of Lincohi Norh’t’ and Rutland parcell of oure said Duchie of Lancastre with thair appertenances doo make astate unto him of the same honour Castell Lordship and Manoir of Bolyngbroke with the membres and appertenances and of and in all the said Manoirs lands and tenements in the said shires ofLincoln Norh’t’ and Rutland, the Lordship and Manoir of Longbenyngton with thappertenances in the same shire of Lincoln oonly except, to bee had unto him and to the heires masle of his body commyng, and for defaulte of such heires the remaindre therof to oure right heires; and in this we wol that if it fortune the same oure son the Duk of Yorlv to deceasse, as God forbede, without heires masle of his body commyng and afore the said age of xvj. yeres, then we wol the revenues of all the premisses expressed in this article be applied by oure Executours to the paiement of our said debtes and restitutions making.
Item where we have ordeigned and appointed that oure said Cousin and other shall have astate by a like fine of and in certain Lordshipps Manoirs lands and tenements parcell of oure said Duchie of Lancastre in the shires of Somers’ Dors’ Wiltes’ Berk’ Oxon’ Glouc’ and Buk’ Sussex Surr’ Kent Essex Suff. and Norff. parcell of oure said Duchie, in the which fyne the Lordshipps Manoirs lands and tenements bee expressed at large, we wol the same oure feoffees after the deceasse of oure said derrest Wiff stande feoffees of and in the same to this entent, that thay shall suffre oure said derrest Wiff to take and perceive during her liff all the vevenues issues and profiits conunyng and growing of all such part of the same as she hath estate in for terme of her liff, and after her deceasse to sufFre oure Executours to take and perceive the oon half of the hool revenues issues and proffits of all the said honours Castell Lordshipps Manoirs and other the premisses expressed in this article towards the paiement of oure said debtes and restitutions making if eny shal nede, and the other half of the same revenues issues and proffits to bee applied and paied for and aboute the contentation of oure said Wyves detts if eny shal fortune to bee by the hands of her Executours or such other as shal have the charge of paiement therof, and that doon to make astate therof to oure said Son yet not borne after he commeth to his age of xvj yeres and to the heires masle of his body commyng, and for default of such issue, or if God fortune noo such sonne to bee borne, the remaindre of all Lordshippes Manoirs lands and tenements rents reversions and services in the said shire of NorfF. to oure said son the Duk of York, and to the heires masle of his body commyng, and for defaulte of such heires the remaindre therof to oure right heires ; and as to all the residue specified in this article, we wol for defaulte of heires masle of the body of oure said son yet nat borne begoten, or if God fortune noo such son to bee borne, the remaindre therof be to oure right heires.
Item we wol that the Church of the said Collage begonne by us of newe to bee buylded bee thorughly finisshed in all things as we have appointed it by the oversight and assent of the said Bisshop of Sarum during his liff and after his deceasse by the oversight of the Dean of the said Collage for the tyme beeing, soo alway that our Executours and Supervisour of this our last Wille and testament bee prive to all charges and expenses that shal bee expended about it.
Item we wol that oure saidExecutours and Supervisour here oons in the yere thaccompts and rekenyng aswell of the said Bisshop as of the said Dean and all other that shal have the charge and governance of the said buyldings, soo as the charges therof may bee provided for from tyme to tyme as the cas shal require.
Item where we have graunted unto oure said cousin the Cardinall and other to oure use and behove all Castelles Lordshippes Manoirs lands and tenements that were late John Erl of Shroosbury and John late Erl of Wiltes’ or either of hem and commen unto oure hands
after thair deceasse and by reason of the nonnage of thair heires, and also all such IManoirs lands and tenements as late were Thomas
Tresham Knight and commen to oure hands by vertue of an Acte of forfaiture made in our said last Parliament, without eny thing yelding unto us for the same, we wol that the revenues issues and proffits of all the same Castelles Lordshippes IManoirs lands and tenements, the rents issues and proffits of the Lordshippes IManoJrs lands and tenements graunted by us to oure welbeloved Conseillour William Lord Hastyngs for the sustentation and fyndyng of the newe Erl of Shroesbury son and heire of the said late Erl of Shroesbury oonly except, bee emploied by the oversight aforesaid about the buyldings of the said Church as ferre as it wil strecche over the ordinari charges therof ; and if the said Erles or either of thaim deceasse or that thay or either of thaim have ly veree of thair londes beeiag within age and afore the said Church and oure other werks there thorughly buylded and finisshed, then we wol that asmuch of the revenues issues and proffits of the premisses parcell of oure saidDuchie of Lancastre put in feofFement by avxtoritie of Pariiament aforesaid as the reve- nues of the said Erles lands or either of thaim soo dieing or having hveree of his lands extendeth unto in yerely value, bee emploied by oure Executours aboute the same buylding aud werks by tlie oversight abovesaid.Item we wol tiiat ther bee two prests perpetuelly founden within the said Collage to synge and pray for us and oure said WifF oure faders and other of our auncestres in such fourme and manere as herafter Ave shal doo to bee ordeigned and devised, which two prests we wol bee chosen and named by the Dean and Chanons of the same Collage for the tyme beeing and thair successours by the oversight and assent of the said Bisshop of Sarum during his lifFj in the which election we wol that the said Dean and Chanons bee sworne upon the holy Evangelists that they shall name noon of the said two prests for favour or affection or at the desire or request of enypersonne what soo ever he bee, but that thay shall chose such as bee notarily knowen good and of vertuous conversacion and nat promoted to eny manere benefice Chaunters prebende nor free Chapell, in the which eleccion we wol that such Clerks of the Universities of Oxonford and Cambrigge as bee Doctours of Divinitie or Bachelers of Divinitie at the lest, beeing of good conversation as afore is said, bee preferred afore all other, which prests and either of hem soo chosen we wol thay bee sworne upon the holy Evangelists upon thair admission before the said Deane and Chanons truely to observe and kepe all observances and divine service as we shall ordeigne to bee doon and at such tyme and place as shal also bee limited and appointed.
Item we wol that ther bee founden perpetuelly within the said CoUage xiij poure men whoo we wol that tliay daily pray and say such service and praiers as we shall ordeigne to bee said by thaim and at such tyme and place also as we shall ordeigne and devise, for observation of the which we wol thatthay bee straithe sworne upou the holy Evangehsts at thair furst admission in the presence of tlie said Deane and Chanons.
Item we wol that the said xiij poiire men bee chosen and named by the said Dean and Chanons for the tyme being by the oversight of the said Bisshop during his lifF, in the which election we wol that the said Dean and Chanons bee sworne in the fourme as afore is declared in thellection of the said prests with this addicion, that thay shall noon chose but such as bee moost poure and nedy and next dwelling to the said Collage and unmaried, and in this election we wol that oure servants and such other as were servants to my said Lord and
Fader have preferrement afore all other albeeit that thay bee not next dwelling or abiding to the said Collage.Item we wol that either of the said two prests have yerely for thair salarie xx marc’ in redy money at iiij termes of the yere by even porcions by the hands of the said Deane and Chanons and thair successours, and that every of the said xiij poure men have two pens by the day to bee paied wekely thorugh out the yere, that is to say every Satirday immediatly after even songe of the day said in the said Collage by the hands of the said Dean and Chanons for the tyme beeing or oon of thaim to bee deputed in that behalve.
Item for seurtie of paiement aswell of the salarie of the same two prests as of the almesse of the same xiij. poure men we wol that oure said cousin the Cardinal and his Coofeoffees of and in the Lordship and Manoir of Wicomb called Basset Bury with the Fee ferme of the towne of Much Wicomb, and of and in the Manoir of Dadyngton in the shire of Oxenford, doo make estate therof to the said Dean and Chanons of Wyndesore and to thair successours for evermore undre such fourme as shall bee thought to oure Executours raoost seurtie and convenient for the paiement of the said salarie and ahnesse truely to bee had and made to thaim according to this oure Wille.
Item we wol that the said two prests bee discharged of keping divine service in the Chauncell of the said CoUage or in any other place within the said Church other then aboute oure sepulture and tumbe as afore is said, of lesse then it bee upon the principall Fests in the yere, or that the Quere goo a procession, which daies we woll thay goo a procession with the Quere weryng surplees and copes as the Vicairs there doo.
Item Ave wol that the said two prests and xiij poure men bee contynuelly abiding and resident within the said Collage and that thay daily kepe and say thair observances and divine services aboute oure sepulture and tumbe in the fourme as shal more at large bee declared in oure Ordenance therof ; and if eny of the said two prests bee promoted to eny manere of benefice, bee it with cure or without cure, that immediatly after his promocion he bee avoided and removed from this his service, and a newe to bee chosen, as afore is declared, and put in his place.
Item if eny of the said poure men bee promoted to eny manere of lyvelode rents offices fees or annuities by enheritaunce or by eny other moyen to the value of v. marc’ by the yere, that he immediatelv after he bee discharged of his service and have noo lenger paiement of our said almes, and an other to bee chosen, as afore is said, and put in his place.
Item if eny of the said prests or poure men absente thaim from the said Collage for eny cause more then xxviij. daies in all by the yere, or elles he bee necligent or remisse in keping the said observance divine service or praiers that shall be in his charge to doo and say, of lesse then it bee by occasion of sekenesse or feblenesse notorili knowen to the Dean and Chanons for the tyme beeing there present, that he soo absentyng him or bee necligent or remisse in keping or dooing the said observances divine service or praiers, after certain monissions yeven unto him soo dooing, bee discharged of his service and an other for that cause chosen, as afore is declared, and put in his place.
Item we wol that the hows and Hospitall of Saint Antonies with all the possessions rents proffits commodities and advayles therunto belonging bee in tiie moost seure wise appropred and annexed to the said Collage to bee had to the said Dean and Chanons and thair successours for evermore, thay with the same to fynde and bere in the same place in London and elleswhere all manere observances divine service almes and all other charges in as large manere and fourme as it hath bee ordeigned by the foanders and benefactours of the same
place to bee had and doon, and specially as it hath been used and accustumed to bee doon at eny tyme within xl. yeres last passed, and with the residue of the revenues commyng therof we wol that the said Dean and Chanons and thair successours for evermore doo fynde ten Vicaires with Calaber ameses vj. Clers and iiij Children over thair nombre that thay nowe have, under such manere and fourme as we shall doo to bee ordeigned and stablisshed.Item we wol that oure said feoffees contynue thair astate and possession of and in all the said honours Castelles Lordshippes manoirs lands .tenements and all other the premisses ordeigned to the jiaiement of oure said debtes, restitution of wrongs if eny bee, the mariages of oure said doughtres, and buylding of the said Church and other the charges above expressed, unto the tyme this oure Wille and testament in the manere and fourme afore expressed and declared in that behalve bee thorughly and perfitely executed and perfourmed, without eny astate making therof or eny part therof to oure said son Edward or to such as shall please God to ordeigne to bee oure heire or eny other oure Sonnes or other personne what soo e ver.
Item we wol that cc” bee disposed yerely for evermore in almes, wherof 1” to bee disposed by the discretion of the said Bisshop of Sarum during his liiF and after his deceasse by the said Dean of the said Collage and his successours by the oversight of the Bisshop of Sarum for the tyme beeing to the mariages of poure mayd[ens] as nat having fader or moder nor other frende able to preferre thaim; other to bee departed by thc same oversight to the moost miserable and pourest people next dwelling to the said Collage, wherin we wil that oure olde servants have preferrement afore all other albee it thay bee nat next dwelling to our said Collage; the third to bee departed by the said oversight amongs prisoners condempned for debte or other cause where the duetie or damages excede not iiij”, or elles to such as remaigne in prison for lakke of paiement of thair fees; and the fourth 1” to bee applied yerely by the said oversight about high weyes next lieing to the said Collage moost necessarie to bee repaired; and to thentent that this oure ahnes may seurly bee had for evermore, we wol that our feoffees of and in the Manoir of Westcote in the said shireof Buk’, the Manoir of Purton Haseley Kyrtelyngton, Dadyngton and Ascote in the shire of Oxon’, the Manoirs of Asparton and Stretton with thappurtenences in the shire of Gloucester, and the Manoir of Longbenygnton in the shire of Lincoln with thair appertenances doo make estate therof to said Dean and Chanons and thair successours for evermore under such seure fourme in that behalve as shall seme to oure Executours moost seurtie and convenient.
Item if oure said son Edward and his heires suffre the personnes above named and all other havyng astate in the premisses to ourebehove and oure Executours to perfourme and execute this oure Wille and testament in all thing yn manere and fourme afore expressed and declared without let or interruption of him or thaim, then we would that the said personnes after oure said Wille soo in all thing perfitely executed and perfourmed doo make astate unto oure said son Edward and the heires of his body commyng, and for [default] of such heires the remaindre therof to oure right heires, aswell of and in all the honours Castelles Lordshippes Manoirs lands and tenements specified in the said Act concernyng the FeofFement for the perfourming of oure Wille, the saidhonour CastellLordshipand Manoir of Bolyngbroke with the membres and appertenances and the Lordship and JManoir of Longbenyngton with thappertenances in the shire of Lincoln with all other lands and tenements in the same shire parcell of oure said Duchie of Lancastre oonly except as of the said Countie Palatine of Lancastre, and all Castells Lordshippes Manoirs lands and tenements with thappertenances in the said Countie Palatine and shire of Laneastre with all thair membres and ap])ertenanees, to thentent that all the same honours Castell Lordshippes iManoirs lands and tenements with thair membres and appertenances except afore excepted may perpetuelly remaigne hooly to oure said son Edward and his heires aforesaid, nat oonly for then hirging of the possessions of oure Corone of England toward the bering of the charges therof, but also for the more seure and restfull governance to bee had in the same oure Reame, desiring therfore and also traicly charging oure said son Edward and his heires that he nor thay, for eny thing that may falle, depart from thoos possessions to eny personne what soo ever he bee, as he and thay wil answere afore God at the day of Dome and as thay love the wele of thaim silf and of the said Reame.
Item if this oure Wille and testament bee perfitely executed and doon in all things as afore is said without let or interruption of oure said son Edward and his heires, then after the same oure Wille soo executed and perfourmed we wol that oure feofFees doo make astate as well of and in the Manoirs of the More Busshy and Eggeware in the shires of Hertford and jMidd’ as of the Manoirs of Ditton and Dachett in the shire of Buk’ with thair appertenances to oure said son Edward and his heires for evermore in recompense of the said Castell Lordshippes and Manoirs of Fodrynghay Staunford and Grantham with thair membres and appertenances and all lands and tenements in the [shires] of Norh’t’ Rutland and Lincoln ; and if the perfite execution ofthis oure last Wille and testaraent bee in eny wise letted or interrupted by oure said son Edward [or his] heires, then we wol that the said Manoirs of the IMore Busshy Eggeware Dachet and Ditton with all thair membres and appertenances bee sold by oure said FeofFees and Executours to the moost avauntage, and the money commyng therof to bee disposed by oure Executours to the paiement of oure debtes and restitutions making and other charitable dedes and werks of pitie thought unto thair discretion moost meritorie to the relief of oure sowle.
Item for soo much as diverses of the Lords aswell of oure blode as other and also Knights Squiers and diverses other oure true loving subgietts anxl servants [have faithfully] and lovingly assisted us and put thaim in the extreme jeopardie of thair lyves losses of thair lands and goods in assisting us aswell aboute the reco[verie] of oure Corone and Reame of England as other diverses seasons and tymes of jeopardie, in consideracion wherof we have made to diverses of thaim grauntes sora of lands and tenements and offices, and som of offices fees and annuities, \ve wol and require and straitly charge oure said son Edward and other oure heires that every Lord Knight Squire and other having eny thinge of our graunte what soo ever it bee, that he and his heires have and enjoye every graunte soo by us [graunted] for eny of the said considerations or eny other cause according to the tenoures fourraes and effects of every of the same without eny manere let or interruption of oure said Son or eny other of oure heires.
Item as to all oure goods, that is to say beddyng’ arrases tapestries verdours stufF of oure houshold ornaments of oure Chapell with boks apperteignyng to the same, plate and jouelx excepte, excepte also such part of the same ornaments and boks as we shall herafter dispose to goo to oure said Collage of Wyndesore, we wol that oure said wifF the Quene have the isposicion therof without let or interruption of the other oure Executours, to thentent that she raay take of the sarae such as she shall thinke to bee moost necessarie and convenient for her, and have the use and occupation therof during her liff, and after her deceasse oure said son the Prince hooly to have and enjoye that part, and the residue of all the said goods except afore excepted to bee departed by her discrecion betwix our said sonnes the Prince and Duk of York, wherin we wol that oure said son the Prince have the preferrement in such therof as shal seme to her discrecion raoost necessarie and convenient for his astate ; and as unto all oure jouelx and plate aswell of oure Chapell as other, we wol thay bee sold by our Executours to the moost avauntage, and with the money comrayng therof the costs and charges of oure buryeing and couvereing* of ourebody to the said CoUage, and a m’ marc to bee disposed the day of oure buryeing or afore amongs prests and poure people to syng and pray for oure soule, bee borne, and the residue therof to bee disposed by oure said Executours aboute the hasty paiement of oure debtes, restitution of wrongs if eny bee, with other charitable dedes and werks cf pitie thought by thair diserecion moost acceptable to God to the relief of oure sowle ; and over this we wol that oure said wifF the Quene have and enjoye all her owne goods catelles stufF beddying arrases tapestries verdours stuiF of houshold plate and jouelx and all other thing which she now hath and occupieth, to dispose it freely at her will and pleaser without let or interruption of oure Executours; and for the perfite execution of this oure last Wille and testament we ordeigne and make oure said derrest and moost entierly beloved wifF Elizabeth the Quene, the Reverende Faders in God William Bisshop of Ely, Thomas Bisshop of Lincohi, John Bisshop of Rochestre, William Lord Hastynges oure Chamberleyn, Maister John Russell Clerk Keper of oure Prive Seall, Thomas Mountgomery Knight, Richard Fowler oure Chaunceller of the Duchie of Lancastre, Richard Pygot oure Sergeant, and William Husee oure Attourny, oure Executours, praieing and requiryng and also straitly cliarging thaim and specially oure said deirest Wiff in whoom we moost singulerly put oure trust in this partie, that she and thay put thaim in thair uttermast devoirs to see this oure last wille and testament bee truely executed and perfourmed in all things in manere and fourme afore declared as oure singler trust is in her and thaim and as she and thay wil answere afore God at the day of dome ; and we ordeigne and make oure said cousin Thomas the Cardinall Archbisshop of Cauntrebury overseer of the same oure wille and testament, by whoos advyse we wol this oure wille and testament bee executed and perfourmed as afore is declared, requiryng and in oure moost herty wise praieing him to bee helping and assistyng oure said Executours in that behalve according to the grete trust that we have in him ; and we wol that every of the said Bisshoppes, William Lord Hastynges, and Maister John Russell, have ? marc in money for thair laboures in this behalve, and that every of the said Sir Thomas Mountgomery, Richard Powler, Richard Pygot, and William Husee have xl” in money for thair laboures, and that oure said cousin the Cardinall have also c marc in money for his labour. Yeven undre oure grete Seall at our said towne of Sandwich the day and yere above writen.