
Jack Cade and the revolt of 1450

On 3 July 1450 Jack Cade crossed London Bridge and declared himself Mayor. The rebels sought out, then executed James Fiennes and William Crowmer.

In rural Kent, the ranks of the rebel army had swollen. Jack Cade then led them to London. Now, it was time for the rebels to force their demands on the authorities. To do this would require force. The Kentish rebels had approached London along the south bank. To have any impact at all, they needed to cross to the northern bank. There was only one realistic way of doing this: crossing London Bridge.

1450: Rebels enter London

The rebels pressed forward. As advance over the bridge took place, the unpopular Bishop of Salisbury, William Asycough, was discovered by rebels. He was ruthlessly cut down. At the bridge, Cade’s men made excellent progress. They made their way across and secured the drawbridge so that it could not be raised.

King Henry VI was quickly being ushered out of London to the safety of Warwickshire. As Cade himself crossed the bridge, he symbolically struck the ‘London Stone’ and act traditionally done by a new Lord Mayor, which to the delight of his followers he declared himself to be.

The rebels spread out, hunting for the ‘evil counsellors’ whom they wanted to rid from the government. Many had fled. Not all escaped, though. They found and arrested James Fiennes, Baron Say and Sele, and William Crowmer, sheriff of Kent.

After a brief trial, the men were convicted of treason and executed, their heads then displayed on spikes on London Bridge, as though they were the traitors’ heads.

Authorities regain control

The revolt led by Jack Cade was large and had placed London and the Crown in a perilous position. King Henry VI left London for the safety of Warwickshire. Rebels looted parts of London, leading to clashes with the citizens. The authorities managed to bring an end to the looting by promising pardons to many involved in the uprising. The leaders were not included. As the rebels dispersed, the leaders were sought out. Jack Cade was discovered on 12 July 1450 and killed in a clash with troops loyal to the crown.

Inquiry into the Kentish Uprising of Jack Cade

In late July 1450 an inquiry was commissioned in relation to some ringleaders’ actions of the Kentish uprising led by Jack Cade.

“It is to be enquired for our Sovereign Lord the King that if John Merfeld of Brightling in the shire of Sussex husbandman and William Merfeld of Brightling the shire foresaid husbandman at Brightling in the open market the Sunday in the feast of St Anne in the 28th year of our said Sovereign Lord falsely said that the King was a natural fool and would oft times hold a staff in his hands with a bird on the end playing therewith as a fool and that another king must be ordained to rule the land saying that the King was no person able to rule the land.

Also, the said John of Brightling the Sunday next afore Saint Luke’s day the 29th year of our said Sovereign Lord the King in the open alehouse there…said to William Durford said that the charter that our said Sovereign Lord made of the first insurrection was false…Also the said John at Brightling on St James even the 28th year above said…that he and his fellowship would arise again and when they were up they would leave no gentleman alive but such as them list to have”.

Establishing an inquiry into the uprising is a precursor to the trial of those believed to be involved in provoking it. This is a crucial element of the justice system at the time.

The appointment of commissioners to lead the inquiry is also essential. The crown could appoint people based on politics. For example, the crown looked to appoint the Duke of York and other ‘loyal opponents’ as commissioners. This suited the Queen’s favourites as it would force the nobles who the rebels looked to for support at the highest levels to dispense justice. As it happened, the trials were undertaken by the King and many nobles from both factions.

Croyland Chronicle on the revolt of 1450 led by Jack Cade

In this year, also, being the year from the Incarnation of  our Lord, 1448, upon Saint George’s night, towards day break, there happened a violent and terrible earthquake, respecting which, some teachers, remarkable for their knowledge, publicly prophesied that it was a prognostic of sinister events. Nor were they deceived in this presage. For, in the following summer, there was an extensive rising of the commons throughout nearly all England, and a most dreadful commotion. But the common people of Kent, who had become quite used to attempts at change, showed much greater violence than all the rest: For, having first appointed over them a captain and leader, they encamped upon the plain of Blackheath, and, in warlike form, fortified their position with pitfalls and embankments, and stakes driven into the ground. After this, presuming to make still further rash attempts, they assaulted the citizens upon London Bridge, and, by force, entered the city ; upon which, their said captain became elated to a pitch of extreme vanity, and being honored by the frantic mob as though he had been a king, fancied that there was no one to resist him, and that he was at liberty to do just as he pleased ; and, accordingly, dragged the prisoners forth from the Tower, And, at the prompting of the clamorous multitude, had them beheaded, without any form of trial whatever. Besides this, turning his hand to rapine, and attended by a band of his satellites, he stripped one of the* richest citizens to his utmost farthing, and plundered him of the whole of his property and goods; upon. which, the rest of his fellow-citizens were greatly apprehensive for themselves, and, conjecturing for certain that he would be guilty of the like conduct towards, them speedily collected troops of armed men from every quarter and manfully drove him out of the city. After the lapse of a short space of time he was caught, and, in conformity with the laws of the realm, was condemned to he beheaded and quartered as a traitor ; and thus did he unhappily terminate an unhappy existence.

From the Croyland (Crowland) Chronicle

Links on Cade’s Revolt

Jack Cade’s Rebellion

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