Release of Richard of Shrewsbury from Sanctuary at Westminster
When news reached Elizabeth Woodville of the arrest of her brother, Earl Rivers, she took Richard of Shrewsbury, duke of York, and other members of the family into sanctuary at Westminster. It resulted in negotiations between the Council, Richard duke of Gloucester, and the Dowager Queen. Edward V’s coronation was scheduled. However, with the majority of the royal family in Sanctuary, the event would not be able to proceed. The release of Richard of Shrewsbury from sanctuary was a necessity if the coronation was to go ahead with any semblance of normality.
There are several accounts of the way in which Richard of Shrewsbury’s release from Sanctuary was obtained, and what the motives of various parties were.
The release of Richard of Shrewsbury from Sanctuary at Westminster
The Croyland Chronicle
On the Monday following, they came with a great multitude by water to Westminster, armed with swords and staves, and compelled the cardinal lord archbishop of Canterbury, with many others, to enter the sanctuary, in order to appeal to the good feelings of the queen and prompt her to allow her son Richard, duke of York, to come forth and proceed to the Tower, that he might comfort the king his brother. In words, assenting with many thanks to this proposal, she accordingly sent the boy, who was conducted by the lord cardinal to the king in the said Tower of London.
Image Credits
Cardinal Bourchier urges Queen Elizabeth Woodville to let her younger son Richard, Duke of York out of Sanctuary in Westminster Abbey, by John Z. Bell. Source, Wikimedia. From:Boy kings and girl queens by Marshall, H. E. (Henrietta Elizabeth), b. 1876 Published [1914] Topics Kings and rulers, Queens SHOW MORE Publisher New York : F.A. Stokes Company
Stained glass window depiction of Richard of Shrewsbury, 1. Duke of York in the “Royal Window” of Canterbury Cathedral. Source, Wikimedia.