Margaret Beauchamp and Margaret Beaufort at prayer (Croyland Chronicle)
In the same year, also, the duchess, lady Margaret, relict of
John, the illustrious duke of Somerset, one who had always
proved gracious and favourably-disposed to our monastery, and
who, as we have already mentioned, had received the manor of
Depyng as a part of her dower, while staying at her castle of
Maxay, was desirous, in a spirit of extreme devoutness,
commended to our prayers ; upon which, she was readily ad-
mitted to be a sister of our chapter. Influenced by pious con-
siderations, she also induced her daughter, the lady Margaret,
countess of Bichmond, and heir to the before-named manor of
Depyng, (who had been married, as we have long before already
mentioned, to the lord Henry, the illustrious son of the duke
of Buckingham), to become a sister along with her, and in like
manner enjoy the benefit of our prayers. This was done, to
the end that, being bound to us by such ties as these, she might
be rendered more benevolent to us hereafter, and more com-
placent in every respect.
Notwithstanding all this, however, so far as relates to our
right to the marsh of Goggislound, from the day of her mar-
riage, the lady Margaret, the mother, has remained in possession
thereof, up to this present day. And then besides, but a very
few years before this time, the stone crosses and other marks
and boundaries which, at the last perambulation of the marsh,
(made in the time of John Ashby, lord abbat of this place, by
the advice and with the assistance of the lord John of Qaont,
the then most illustrious duke of Lancaster), had been placed
for the purpose of dividing the districts of Hoyland and Kes-
teven, had been utterly thrown down and destroyed by the
men of Depyng, in order that all knowledge and recoUectioB
* Elizabeth Woodville was the widow of Sir John Gray, a Lancashire
knight. Her mother, Jacquetta, dnchess of Bediord, was married to Sir
Richard Woodrille, for her second husband.
thereof might he ohliterated for the future. Accordingly,
among other things, they pulled down by main force a stone
cross at Wodelode-greynes, otherwise called Oggote, which had
been placed in the said marsh, at our furthest boundary to^-
wards the north ; and after breaking it to pieces, iniquitously
threw it into deep pits, and out-of-the-way places, where
there could be no possibility of finding it. Hence it is, that
the boundary before-mentioned, being remembered by but very
few persons, has by degrees been effaced from general know-
ledge, and has, in the course of a long space of time, througk
heedlessness been utterly swept away.