
Hearne’s Fragment (Full Text)

Hearne’s Fragment is named after Thomas Hearne (1678–1735), an early eighteenth century antiquarian and historian. He studied the classics at the University of Oxford, entering St Edmund’s Hall in 1696. Much of his work related to collating, editing, and publishing works in English and Latin from the Medieval period. Hearne produced translations of numerous works, creating a detailed, scholarly, body of works that was effectively the first collection of English chronicles in an academic format. Prior to the Rolls Series, it was Hearne’s work to which students and scholars would need to turn to. However, his work was not without criticism in its day, being dismissed by Alexander Pope, for example, for being ‘monkish’ and generally unappealing. Others, however, note that without Hearne’s work, many English medieval works may have been lost.

Hearne’s Fragment

Hearne’s fragment is a translation of a document pertaining to the years 1460 to 1470. The identity of the original author is unknown. The fragment begins with the death of Richard duke of York at the battle of Wakefield and concludes, mid sentence, in a section that begins with news that King Edward IV had ridden north, having heard nothing of the Marquis of Montagu.

The full text of Hearne’s fragment is below. It is derived from The Chronicles of The White Rose of York, Chapter 3, Hearne’s Fragment of an Old Chronicle from 1460 to 1470. Editorial notes from this edition, published in 1845 and within the public domain, will be added shortly.

Chapter One – St. Albans

Edward the Fourth, of that name, and heir of Richard, late Duke of York, after the decease of his father, that was slain at Wakefield the 30th day of December anno 1460, {and after) the battle done at St. Albans the Ash Wednesday, and won by the Queen Margaret, and her ‘complices the said Edward, then being Earl of the Marche, hearing of this adventure, came down with a great number of Welshmen, and met with Richard, Earl of Warwick, upon Cotswold, and so they two joining their hosts came towards London, in the which season Queen Margaret being at Barnet with King Henry sent for victuals, and Lenten stuff to London, the which was prepared by the Mayor and Sheriffs to send unto her, and her host ; and when they with the victuals came to Cripplegate, the commons arose and stopped the carts, and would suffer none to depart out of the City, alledging divers reasons for the same. Whereof when the Queen was certified, and also thereupon assured of the coming of the two Earls of Marche and Warwick, she had no great confidence to those of London, Wherefore she withdrew herself, and turned {changed) her purpose, and with the King, her husband, and such men of war as she had, fled northward, as fast as she might, towards York, where at she thought herself more assured {secure).

Chapter Two – Edward elected King of England

The two ‘foresaid Earls of Marche and Warwick, from Cotswold kept their way straight to London, where they arrived, the Thursday in the first week of Lent; to whom resorted all gentlemen, for the more part of the South parts, and East of England, both spiritual and temporal; and thereupon a council was called, whereat King Harry, for his imbecility and  insufficiency was by the whole House deposed, and Edward, eldest son of Richard, late Duke of York, by the sole assent and consent of all present, there elected and solemnly chosen for King of England, then being of the age (of) almost 20 ; and thereupon he with all the Lords went in general procession, accompanied with all the Nobles there present, and the Commons of the city, and (was) immediately conveyed with great honour to Westminster; taking there possession, with sceptre  royal in his hand, sitting at the high dais’ in the Great Hall. The which done, he went into the Abbey, where he was received with procession of the Abbot and Convent there  and after that he had offered in kingly I estate at the shrine of Saint Edward, he took homage J and fealty of such noblemen as there were present, the which done he returned to the Bishop’s palace at London that night the 4th day of March.

Chapter Three – Battle of Towton

The voyage (journey) determined by the newly elected King Edward, the Fourth of the name, to follow his enemies. King Henry the Sixth and his Queen Northward. First on the morrow, John Duke of Norfolk went in to his Country with all diligence, to prepare for the war on the part of King Edward; and on the Saturday next following, the Earl of Warwick with a great band of men departed out of London, Northward; whereat (to the same) on the Wednesday nest following the King’s footmen in a great number, of the which the most part were Welshmen and Kentish men. Then the Friday ensuing the King Edward issued out of the city in goodly order at Bishopsgate, then being the 12th day of March, and held on his journey following those others, and when the fore prickers came to Ferrybridge, there was a great skirmish whereat John Ratcliff, then Lord Fitzwalter, was slain, and thereupon they ever advanced themselves till they came to Touton, 8 miles out of York, upon a Friday at night, abiding the residue of their company, the which were assembled in good order on the Saturday, then being Palm Sunday-eve: and about 4 of the clock at night the two battles joined, and fought all night till on the morrow at after noon; when about the noon the foresaid John Duke of Norfolk with a fresh band of good men of war came in, to the aid of the new elected King Edward. This field was sore fought. For there were slain on both parts 33,000 men, and all the season it snowed. There were slain the Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland with others and Sir Andrew Troloppe; and taken the Earls of Devonshire and Wiltshire and beheaded there; The Earls of and the deposed King Harry, his Queen, with Henry, Duke of Somerset, and others, in great haste fled into Scotland.

Chapter Four – The North East

This victory obtained. King Edward followed the chase but a little; but shortly he returned unto York, whereat he kept his Easter, The bruit (news) of the great victory was spread, so that it came to London on Easter eve, whereat was great joy made. The feast of Easter accomplished, the King Edward rode to Durham, and setting all things in good order in the North parts, he left behind him there the Earl of Warwick to have the oversight and governance there, and the King returned Southwards, and Eastwards, arriving at his manor of Sheen, the first day of June, whereat he continued to the 26th day of the same month, in the which season was prepared, and provision made for his coronation.

Chapter Five – Edward’s Coronation

The same 26th day of June the King Edward removed from Sheen towards London, then being Thursday, and upon the way, received him the Mayor and his brethren, all in scarlet, with 400 commoners of {common councilmen) well horsed and clad in green, and so advancing themselves, passed the bridge, and through the city, they rode straight unto the Tower of London, and rested there all night, whereat on the morrow he made 32 new Knights of the Bath, the which day at after noon departing from the Tower, in like good order as they came thither, these 32 ne* Knights proceeding immediately before the King, in their gowns and hoods, and tokens of white silk upon their shoulders, as is accustomed at the Bath ; and so in this goodly order he was brought to Westminster, whereat on the morrow, being St. Peter’s day, and Sunday, he was solemnly crowned by the hands of the Archbishop of Canterbury, with great triumph and honour; and thereupon he created his brother George, Duke of Clarence, then being of 14 years old, anno 1460.

Chapter Six – Creation of Earls, Execution of traitors

In the first year of King Edward a Parliament was called at Westminster the 4th day of September, and upon the 5th day of the same month, John Mowbray Duke of Norfolk died, and thereupon immediately Richard,” youngest brother of the King, was created Duke of Gloucester, and John Mowbray, son of the aforesaid John, was created Duke of Norfolk, on Allhalowen day. And in the same solemnity Harry Bourchier, Earl of Ewe, was created Earl of Essex. He wedded Isabel, sister to Richard, Duke of York, father to King Edward. And also William Neville, Lord Falconbridge, uncle to the King, was created Earl of Kent, — in the which seasons grew many grudges secretly. In so much that Harry Vero, Lord Aubrey, accused his own father, the Earl of Oxford, of treason, whereupon they were both taken the 12th day of February in the same year, and brought to the Tower of London, and shortly thereupon, the 20th day of the same month, both the father and the son were brought unto the Tower Hill, where they suffered death, both on one day; how be it, the chronicles, lately made, affirmeth that the Earl should be executed 6 days after; for it was a piteous sight to see them both, father and son, in such distress. Item, the same year was taken Sir Baldwin Fulford, and beheaded at Bristol.

Chapter Seven – Alnwick ‘stole by treason’

This second year of King Edward, Sir Piers de Bracy [the which before had robbed Sandwich in the 35th year of King Harry the Sixth] came out of Scotland in the favour of King Harry, and stole by treason the Castle of Alnwick, whither were sent against him Sir William Lord Hastings, and with him were Sir John Howard, and divers Lords and gentlemen, and I- with a strong power (he) besieged the castle ; in the which time the said Sir Piers had many injurious words against those lords, the which, notwithstanding, he was fain to fall to agreement. Whereupon such appointment made, he with his Frenchmen and Scots departed the 30th day of July. How-be-it James the Second, late King of Scots, was slam at Roxburgh in shooting off a gun that burst.

Chapter Eight – Duke of Somerset submits to King Edward IV

After the surrendering of this Castle, in the winter following were taken, and put in the Tower for treason. Sir Thomas Tudenham Knight, Sir William Tyrrel Knight, and John Montgomery Esquire, the which all three were beheaded at the hill soon upon their judgement. And in the same November Dame Margaret, late Queen, came out of France into Scotland, and entered England with a great band [of men] of Frenchmen and Scots ; of the which, when the King Edward was certified, he hastened Northward with a great power. But Queen Margaret, hearing of the King’s coming, withdrew to her shifts, taking a Carvelle, purposing to return in to France, but through tempest, she was fain to take a fisher’s boat, and saved herself at Berwick, and the Carvelle with all her treasure was drowned; how be it the goods were recovered to the King’s behoof, as some men say, [cujus contrarium verum est]. Some other of her Company, to the sum of four or five hundred men, were thrown on land at Bamburgh^ and, seeing no remedy to escape, they burnt their ships, and fled in to an Island thereby, where they were slain and taken every one by certain gentlemen there. And shortly thereupon Harry Duke of Somerset, and Sir Ralph Percy submitted themselves to the King, to whom he gave his grace and pardon. And in the same year. the said Duke of Somerset, hearing how that the deposed King Harry the Sixth prepared a great army to re-enter into England, he fled from King Edward to the said King Harry into Scotland.

Chapter Nine – King Henry captured and committed to the Tower

This same year in the beginning of April John Neville, Marquis of Montague, brother to the Earl of Warwick, being the King’s Lieutenant in the North, and hearing of the coming of King Harry, assembled a great host, and fought with him at Hexham, from whence the said King Harry fled, and lost his treasure there. There were taken and beheaded the said Duke of Somerset, the Lord Huntingford, and the Lord Roos, with divers others. Then the said Marquis with the Earl of Warwick, went to Bamburgh and won the Castle by assault, whereat divers gentlemen were taken. And after this skirmish at Hexham King Harry was taken in a wood, by one William Cantlow, and brought to the King, and afterwards committed to the Tower at London, whereat he continued in captivity unto the 18th day of October in the year of our Lord 1469.

Chapter Ten – Edward marries Elizabeth Woodville

And the same year, after many pastimes of youthly course, King Edward seeing no marriages convenient for his estate out of the realm, and also none outlanded {no foreign) prince there was, that durst adventure to marry with him; in so much that King Harry the Sixth [as] then was at liberty — Howbeit that some there be, that affirm the Earl of Warwick should have been Ambassador for him in Spain, to have Isabell, sister of King Harry of Castile, the which affirming is not truth, for the Earl of Warwick was never in Spain, but continued all this season with his brother, John Marquis Montague, in the North parts, to withstand the coming in of King Harry the Sixth, the which King Harry was taken this year, as is above said; and the said Isabell was married unto Ferdinand, then being Prince of Arragon, and continued a great season together being married, her brother Harry before said being King of Castile, as witness the chronicles as well of Castile as of Arragon, etc. These premises considered, King Edward being a lusty prince attempted the stability and constant modesty of divers ladies and gentlewomen, and when he could not perceive none of such constant womanhood, wisdom and beauty, as was Dame Elizabeth, widow of Sir John Grey of Groby,  late defunct, he then with a little company came unto the Manor of Grafton, beside Stony Stratford, whereat Sir Richard Woodville, Earl of Rivers, and Dame Jacqueline, Duchess-dowager of Bedford, were then dwelling ; and after resorting at divers times, seeing the constant and stable mind of the said Dame Elizabeth, early in a morning the said King Edward wedded the foresaid Dame Elizabeth there on the first day of May in the beginning of his third year, and in the year of our Lord 1463. The priest that wedded them lieth buried at the Minories by London before the high Altar, whose name was [there is a gap left in the original manuscript for the priest’s name] And God gave unto them a goodly issue, that is to say four sons and seven daughters; howbeit that lewd fellow, that drew those last burnt chronicles, abused himself greatly in his disordered writing, for lack of knowledge. And whereas he writeth, that Mary, daughter of the Duke of Geldres, and widow of the late defunct James King of Scots, with other more were presented unto him in marriage, as for a choice, it is not truth; for the adversaries of this King Edward were maintained in Scotland by the said Dame Mary and her ‘complices unto this time, and after as appeareth evidently. For in this same year King Harry was taken in the North, as is before specified, and Edmond, Duke of Somerset, with his brother John, were yet in Scotland with Queen Margaret, etc.

Chapter Eleven – Revaluation of coinage, Coronation of Elizabeth as Queen Consort

In the year of our Lord 1464, this King Edward, somewhat eased of his enemies, began to have regard unto the redressing of the inconveniences used in the realm for fault of Justice and misordering of money. Wherefore in the latter end of this year he changed his coin.” First lie made the royal of gold, price 10s.; the half royal, 6s.; and the fourthing, 2s. 6rf. Secondly, he made the noble, and named it the Angel, of the price 6s. 8d.; with the half of the same, 3s. 4d. Furthermore he made the Groat, the half groat, and pence of less value by 8d. in the ounce than the old groat was. And fine gold was enhanced to 40s. the ounce, and other base gold after the rate, with other divers ordinance of money. And on the 26th day of May the Queen Elizabeth was crowned at Westminster with great solemnity, whereat were made Knights of the Bath as I knew the Lord Dumas, Sir Bartelot de Ribairc, of Bayen, Gascons; Sir John Woodville, brother to the Queen, etc., and of the City, four : Thomas Cooke, Matthew Philip, Ralph Josselyn, and Harry Waffir (Waver) where {and there) also were made divers others at West- minster the day beforesaid of coronation.

Chapter Twelve – Birth of Princess Elizabeth

This year in the month of February, and in the fifth year of King Edward, the Queen was delivered of a daughter (Elizabeth), the which was christened in Westminster, the 11th of February, 1466, to whom was godfather the Earl of Warwick, and godmothers were Cicely, Duchess of York, and Jacomyne (Jacqueline) Duchess of Bedford, Mothers to the King and Queen. This year were other things done, the which are of little importance.

And in this year was a great battle in France, at a place called Montlhery, betwixt Lewis the Xlth then King in France and the said Charles, whereat the Duke of Somerset was on his party, and there were slain 3000 and 600 men, so that the victory remained to Charles, the 17th day of July Anno 1465.

Chapter Thirteen – Margaret of York’s marriage to Charles of Burgundy

In this year and in the month of June, then being it the fifth year of King Edward, Anthony Bastard of Burgundy came into England, with divers others from Duke Charles of Burgundy, to treat for a marriage betwixt the said Duke Charles and Dame Margaret, sister to King Edward, the which was concluded. After the which was great triumph made; most especial in Smithfield were Justs, whereat the said Anthony Bastard, and Anthony Woodville, Lord field. Scales, brother to the Queen, with divers others ran divers days, and those two beforenamed fought on foot with axes, as men courageous and greatly expert in those feats of war. And this done the said Bastard returned into France: and Edmond, Duke of Somerset departed a little before into France and returned unto Duke Charles, the which at that time was in Flanders, and was retained with him in his wars. And in the same year Philip Duke of Burgundy, Father to the said Charles, died in the town of Bruges the 16th day of June.

Chapter Fourteen – Treason in Flanders

This 7th year, Margaret Sister unto King Edward beforesaid, departed from the King, and rode throughout London behind the Earl of Warwick, and rode that night to Stratford Abbey, and from thence to the seaside, and went into Flanders to Bruges, where she was married with great solemnity: and after the feast done, the same night the Duke and she rode out of the Town to a Castle called Male, one mile out of Bruges; and, when they were both in bed, the Castle was set on fire by treason, so that the Duke and she ‘scaped narrowly.

And within short space after those astertes (escapes) [as] the Duchess of Norfolk with others returned into England, in whose company were two young gentlemen, that one named John Poyntz, and that other William Alsford, the which were arrested because, in the time of the ‘foresaid marriage, they had familiar communication with the Duke of Somerset and his ‘complices there, in the which they were both detected of treason ; whereupon one Richard Steria {Steers), skinner of London, with those two were beheaded at the Tower Hill, the 21st day of November.

Chapter Fifteen – Warwick’s embassy to France

This year [aa writeth Gaguin in his Chronicle], Richard Earl of Warwick was sent as Ambassador from King Edward unto Louis the XI., then King of France; the which Richard came up the river Seine to a place called Boylle (La Bouille) in Normandy 15 miles from Rouen from whence became unto Rouen by water, with great triumph, and was received in to Rouen, with procession and great honour in to our Lady’s Church, the said King then being in Rouen. And his offering done, he repaired to his lodging until the time that the Duke of Bourbon fetched him unto the court, where ho was welcomed greatly. And after his proposition was made, he had secret communing with the said French King alone, and none other but they two. And this endured by the space of 12 days continually. And after his business (was) finished he took his leave, and departed with many great gifts and rich, as well of the French King as of the Duke of Bourbon, returning into England; in whose company went to King Edward, as Ambassadors sent from King Louis, the Admiral of France, called the Bastard of Bourbon, the Bishop of Laon, Sir John Popaurcote, and Oliver Rous, the which Ambassadors abode in England by the space of four months, at their returning, amongst other great gifts, King Edward gave unto them great mastiffs, collars, leashes and horns; for the which gifts the ‘foresaid Gaguin maketh a manner of a mock, as appeareth in the same his book and chapter.

Chapter Sixteen – Clarence enticed into marriage to Isabel Neville

Oftimes it is seen that divers there ‘ the which foresee not the causes precedent and subsequent; for the which they fall many times into error, that they abuse themselves and also others, their successors, giving credence to such as write of {from) affection, {partiality) leaving the truth that was in deed. Wherefore, in avoiding all such inconveniences, my purpose b, and shall be, [as touching the life of King Edward the Fourth] to write and shew those and such things, the which I have heard of his own mouth. And also in part of such things, in the which I have been personally present, as well within the realm an without, during a certain space, most especially from the year of our Lord 1468 unto the year of our Lord 1482, in the which the forenamed King Edward departed from this present life. And in witness whereof the Right Illustrious Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, Treasurer of England, as most personally present [for the most part of his flourishing age] in the house of the said right noble prince continually conversant, can more clearly certify the truth of all such acts and things, notable of memory, the which fell in his time. Of the which I am well assured, no man living may of very truth and right object to the contrary of his saying. Therefore, in avoiding all inconveniences, coloured chronicles, and affection (partial) histories, my purpose is to shew the truth, to avoid all ambiguity of the first motive, and original cause, wherefore Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, withdrew himself from the amity of the ‘foreaaid King Edward the Fourth. Sure and of truth it is, as it appeareth in the chapters previous, the said Richard, Earl of Warwick, was sent into Normandy as Ambassador with others, whose secret counselling’s betwixt the French King and him (self) alone, brought him greatly in suspection (suspicion) of many things, inas much that his insatiable mind could not be content, and yet before him was there none in England of the half possessions’ that he had. For first he had all the Earldom of Warwick whole, with all the Spencer’s lands; the Earldom of Salisbury. (He was) Great Chamberlain of England, Chief Admiral and Captain of Calais, and Lieutenant of Ireland; the which possessions amounted to the sum of 20,000 marks, and yet he desired more. He councilled and enticed the Duke of Clarence, and caused him to wed his eldest daughter, lsabel, without the advice or knowledge of King Edward. Wherefore the King took a great displeasure with them both, and thereupon were certain unkind words betwixt them, in so much, that after that day there was never perfect love betwixt them. Whereupon privy letters were sent into the North, into the West country, and into Wales. whereby that the Lord Herbert (Earl of Pembroke) came to Banbury with seven or eight thousand men without any Archers. And Humphrey, Lord Stafford of Suthwicke, came out of Somersetshire and Devonshire with four or five thousand men a)»o to Banbury ; whereat their Harbingers fell at variance for lodgings, in so much that the said Lord Stafford of Suthwicke withdrew himself back ten or twelve miles. And in this season the Northern men with their captain, the Lord Latimer, which was slain there, drew nigh to Banbury to a place called Hedge-cote upon the grounds of a gentleman named Clarell; of the which insurrection when the King was advertised by the Earl of Warwick, he sent out of London one Clapham with the sum of fifteen thousand men, what of household men and soldiers of Calais, whose coming was the winning of the field. For the Lord Herbert was, slain, and Sir Richard, his brother, was brought to Northampton and beheaded there, and the Lord Stafford, the which came too late to the field, returned into his country, and was taken by the commons and beheaded at Bridgewater, and buried in Glastonbury. And so King Edward lost there two good captains.

Chapter Seventeen- Richard, Earl Rivers beheaded

In the same year those beforesaid Northern men took Richard, Lord Rivers, then Treasurer of England, and one of his sons with him named Sir John Woodville, and smote off their heads: and, as some men said, it was done by the consent of the Earl of Warwick, the which was known more clearly afterwards. For a little before there was a rising in the North Country made by unnamed gentlemen, and (they) named their captain Robin of Riddisdale, the which Insurrection was the beginning and cause of many inconveniences, as appeared soon afterwards. Howbeit they were pardoned for their Rebellion soon upon Alhalowen Tide after. And anon thereupon the Lord Welles (that had married Dame Margaret Duchess of Somerset), began a new Commotion in Lincolnshire, and with him was Sir Thomas Dymoke, Knight. Of the which rebellious deed, when the Xing was certified, he gathered his men, and rode thitherward. And when those rebels heard of his coming they left their field, and all their stuff, and fled as far as Scarborough, whereat they were beheaded: and that journey was named Lose cote Feelde.

Chapter Eighteen – Clarence and Warwick flee to France

In this 9th year of King Edward many secret conspiracies were done in the winter, in so much that the Earl of Warwick enticed so the Duke of Clarence, that he followed all his council. And thereupon it followed, that those both went into Warwickshire, to the intent that they might bring their purpose into effect: where at, at after Easter in the beginning of the tenth year of King Edward, the Archbishop of York, George Nevile, Brother to the Earl of Warwick, desired the King to a banquet at his Palace of the Moor besides Langley: whither as the King came, and a little before supper, when they should have washed, John Ratcliff, that after was Lord Fitzwalter, warned the King privily, and bade him beware ; for there were ordained privily an 100 men of arms, the which should take him and convey him out of the way. Wherefore the King, failing himself to make his water, caused a good horse to be saddled, and so with a small company rode to Windsor. Of the which treason so detected, when the Earl of Warwick was advertised, he with the Duke of Clarence, and their wives, fled westward and took shipping, and so came into Normandy in the month of May Anno 1470, and landed at Honfleur, whereat met them the Bastard of Bourbon, then being Admiral of France, the which received them with great honour. But who may be that could in any manner think otherwise, but (that) this, such departing of the Earl of Warwick, was before known in France, in so much, that at his arrival the Admiral of France was ready to receive them at that place assigned, as it appeareth evidently, as well in the chronicles of France and also of Brittany, the years and month rehearsed in this chapter.

Chapter Nineteen – Angers Agreement

Of the continuance of the Duke of Clarence, Earl of Warwick, with their wives and train in France, it is very necessary somewhat here to manifest as it was (in) deed. Within short space of their coming into Normandy they hastened towards King Louis, the which as at that time lay at his castle of Amboise beside Tours in Touraine: whither, when they were come, the King welcomed them with great feastings. And after that they had disclosed unto the King the cause of their departure out of England, and of their coming thither, anon they withdrew themselves to their lodgings. Then within short space after came from Dame Margaret, Daughter of King Regnier of Sicily, wife to King Harry the Sixth, and her Son Prince Edward with her: at whose coming was shortly a great Council betwixt them to know by what manner they should return into England. The which Council dissolved, the ‘foresaid Duke of Clarence, and Earl of Warwick, returned into Normandy, the which was in the month of June in the year above said. And so they abode there till it was the latter end of August nest following.

Chapter Twenty – Prince Edward marries Anne Neville

During this season of their being in France, Dame Charlotte of Savoy, wife to the French King Louis, was delivered of a son, in the ‘foresaid castle of Amboise, the last day of June in the same year of our Lord 1470, to whom were Godfathers at the font, Charles of Bourbon Archbishop and Cardinal of Lyons, Edward Prince, beforesaid son to King Harry the Sixth; and the Duchess of Bourbon, Sister to the forenamed King Louis : and the child was named Charles, and was King after his Father. At the which birth were made many great solemnities and triumphs throughout the Realm of France; whereupon the said Prince Edward married there Anne, youngest daughter of the Earl of Warwick: the which Anne was wedded to Richard Duke of Gloucester after, in the year of our Lord 1474, at Westminster, after the death of the same Prince Edward.

Chapter Twenty One – Rebels executed at Southampton

King Edward in this mean time was about London, to whom was brought tidings of the departing of the Duke of Clarence and the Earl of Warwick, and that how they passed by Wiltshire westward, had taken Anthony Lord Scales and John Lord Audley: the which two Lords they sent to the Castle of Warder, to be kept out of the way unto a time determinate, that they should have been put to execution: of the which imprisonment a gentleman of Dorsetshire, named John Thornhill, hearing, came the night following with a good company of hardy fellows, and found the means to deliver these two Lords from captivity. Whereupon they were delivered to liberty. Then the King Edward, seeing these two, Duke and Earl, so departed so suddenly, he marvelled greatly: and he, being in this anguish and trouble, had knowledge of a new rebellion in the North by the means of the Lord Fitzhugh: against whom he prepared a a. puissance of men, and went northward: of the which when the foresaid Lord Fitzhugh was certified, he fled into Scotland (and in the same season the Earl of Oxford took shipping, and sailed into Normandy to those other Lords). Whereupon one Sir Geoffrey Gate, Knight, with the ‘foresaid Clapham, had prepared at Southampton a company of their ‘complices to have passed into France, to those Lords of Clarence and Warwick; but their purpose was soon disclosed. For the Earl of Worcester and the Lord Howard prevented them. In so much that many of them were taken, as Sir Geoffrey Gate, the which had his pardon and afterwards went to sanctuary. Clapham was beheaded and divers others hanged, etc.

Chapter Twenty Two – Edward hears that his enemies are close

Then the King seeing such commotions in the realm, and hearing nothing of the Marquis of Montague, whom he loved entirely, he rode northward and left the Queen, great with child, in the Tower of London. And as he was in the North Country, in the month of September, as he lay in his bed one named Alexander Carlisle, that was sarjeant of the minstrels, came to him in great haste, and bade him arise for he had enemies coming for to take him, the which were within six or seven miles, of the which tidings the King greatly marvelled. And suddenly upon that came one Master Alexander Lee, a Priest

(The remainder of this curious Chronicle is wanting.)

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