Medieval and Early Modern Maps

Maps of the Battle of Bosworth

Maps of Bosworth

Early accounts of the Battle of Bosworth placed the fighting at Ambion Hill. This is reflected in the Battlefield Visitor Centre being opened adjacent to this site. The images below illustrate the battle as it used to be interpreted: current thinking follows.

Ambion Hill and earlier interpretations of the way that the armies of Richard III and Henry Tudor formed up.
Ambion Hill and earlier interpretations of the way that the armies of Richard III and Henry Tudor formed up.
An alternative illustration of now dated interpretations of how and where the Battle of Bosworth was fought.
An alternative illustration of now dated interpretations of how and where the Battle of Bosworth was fought.

Henry Tudor’s route from Miford Haven to Bosworth

Henry Tudor's march from disembarkation at Milford Haven to the battle of Bosworth. Source: wikipedia
Henry Tudor’s march from disembarkation at Milford Haven to the battle of Bosworth. Source: wikipedia

Archaeological finds and the reinterpretation of where the Battle of Bosworth was fought

Bosworth Battlefield Project: introduction.

Project Overview

Project Downloads

The downloads section incorporates the following research documents. Many of these include detailed maps recording locations, types, and ages of finds related to places where the Battle was, or was thought to have been, fought.


Foard, G. 2005: Bosworth Battlefield. A Reassessment

Bosworth Battlefield Survey Small Finds report.

Bosworth Battlefield Survey Small Finds report – illustrations.

Masters, P. 2008: Geophysical Survey at Bosworth Battlefield, Shenton, Leicestershire. Cranfield Forensic Institute Report No. 018.

Partida, T. and Foard, G. 2009: Bosworth Battlefield Survey: Post Medieval Historic Mapping Report.

Page, M. 2006: Report on the documentary sources for the reconstruction of the historic landscape of Bosworth battlefield.

Curry, A. and Dickinson, J. (with contributions by Professor John McGavin and Michael Bletzer): Report on Military history for the Bosworth Battlefield Association.

Hall, D. 2007: Survey of the open-fields for the Bosworth Battlefield Survey (with an addendum on documentary evidence).

Gearey, B., Hill, T., Howard, A. and Marshall, P. 2008: Bosworth Fields, Leicestershire: Palaeoenvironmental Survey and Assessment

Wheeler, J and Swindles, G. 2009: Finding Bosworth Field A multiproxy stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental assessment of lowland sediments from the proposed site of Bosworth Battlefield, Leicestershire.

Cox, B. 2009: Bosworth battlefield: Notes on Associated Toponyms

Transcripts and translations of the primary sources relating to the battle of Bosworth.

Foard, G. 2005: Bosworth Battlefield Investigation Project Design.

Burton, R. 2006: Bosworth Field Investigation Soil Survey Report.

Burton, R. 2009: Bosworth Field Investigation Additional Soil Survey Reports 2007 & 2008 & 2009.

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